Fallen Egg

A hatching egg fallen out of the nest. Sadly discovered at the foot of a tree near my house.

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPhone 11 Pro
  • Taken: 17 July, 2023
  • Exposure bias: +14776/1316083EV
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 4.25mm
  • ISO: 32
  • Shutter speed: 1/121s

Location: Cranbrook Road W4

Date Taken: 2023-07-17

Camera: iPhone 11Pro

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no


Is it their habitat, or are we in theirs?

Location: Chiswick Mall

Date Taken: 2023-07-17

Camera: Iphone 12 pro

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no

Staring each other out

Took this photo just outside my back door in the garden. Pigeons and Greater Spotted Woodpeckers are regular visitors.Found the situation particularly amusing as they visited my bird bath. (Andrew)

Location: Thorney Hedge Road

Date Taken: 2023-07-29

Camera: iPhone 13

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no

Blue Heron

I spotted this beautiful heron on a foggy morning, I love the blue/grey contrasted against the soft foggy light in the background. It was an amazing and inspiring morning to be out and feel completely alive in the park.

By Pamela Oliveras.  WINNER in Beautiful Birds Category.

Location: Chiswick House Grounds

Date Taken: 2023-01-25

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? yes

love birds

I have wanted a photo of the parakeets for a long time. I woke up and saw fog so quickly got dresses and went to CH to get some cool shots and was surprised to see these two, so it was a really great morning to go out. (Credit – Pamela Oliveras)

Location: Chiswick House Grounds

Date Taken: 2023-01-25

Camera: Nikon zfc

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? yes


I was in chiswick park taking photos and i wanted to get one of this bird near its nest when it started dunking its head in and out of the water, which resulted in this cool halo of water in the photo

  • Aperture: ƒ/5.6
  • Camera: Canon PowerShot SX530 HS
  • Taken: 27 July, 2023
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 148.919mm
  • ISO: 1600
  • Shutter speed: 1/250s

Location: Chiswick House and Grounds

Date Taken: 2023-07-04

Camera: Canon Powershot SX530 HS

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no

A glimpse of green

I was walking my dog in the park. And suddenly a patch of green in the tree moved and captured my sights.

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPhone SE (2nd generation)
  • Taken: 12 July, 2023
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3.99mm
  • ISO: 125
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

Location: Chiswick House and Gardens

Date Taken: 2023-07-12

Camera: iPhone SE

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no

Swan Bath

I’ve had a fascination with swans since being read “The Ugly Duckling” as a child. For me, swans have represented a journey to finding your identity and place in the world, especially as a member of the LGBT+ community. Childhood can be a time of feeling on the outside, but soon you realize the qualities that make you different can be what make you evolve into a beautiful swan.
I found this swan shaking off in the Thames while searching for a snack in July. I love the grace and strength displayed in this picture. I shot this photo using a Nikon N75 film camera loaded with 35mm film. I enjoy shooting wildlife on film since there is an unpredictability factor. You are not able to see the photo again until it is developed and often times by the time I get the film back, I’ve forgotten what pictures I’ve taken. This picture took me by surprise and I feel like I snapped an intimate glimpse into this swan’s world. I hope you enjoy 🙂

  • Camera: SP-3000
  • Taken: 26 July, 2023

Location: Chiswick Mall near Chiswick Lane South

Date Taken: 2023-07-20

Camera: Nikon N75

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no

Standing tall

I love taking photos of wildlife and walking in nature, when I walked past the temple and saw this beautiful heron standing tall and magnificent I had to take the photo.

Location: Chiswick house and gardens

Date Taken: 2022-07-28

Camera: Samsung Galaxy phone

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no