In Praise of Trail Cameras

Well the cameras take the photo, flash and IR all that good stuff, but you have to set the stage.
 The actors never stand on the mark, never face the camera, and do the most embarrassing things
 BUT you do get serendipity.
Green finches are shy and easily disturbed , it takes extreme skill and patience to get a good photo via the usual methods, neither of which I possess.
Enjoy, and they do still exist on Arthur’s pond on Chertsey Road Allotments, so a result.

  • Aperture: ƒ/2.8
  • Taken: 7 April, 2023
  • ISO: 100

Location: Chertsey Road Allotments

Date Taken: 2023-04-07

Camera: Bushnell Trail Camera

Age Group: over_16

Professional Photographer? no

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