Competition Details


Marvellous Mammals.

Don’t forget the small ones!  Mice, voles and even rats. Can you spot a hedgehog?

Incredible Insects & Invertebrates.

Bees, butterflies, dragonflies, bugs, beetles, wasps, spiders, slugs and snails – go for it!

Beautiful Birds.

Big or small, the river, lake, or garden.  See if you can be quick enough to catch one in action.

Amazing Amphibians & Reptiles.

Everyone loves a newt or frog or toad.  Are there any lizards or snakes in Chiswick? Go find out!

Powerful Plants.

Lots of animals depend on plants for food, nesting, and safety from predators.  Find a wildlife friendly plant and share it with us.  Don’t forget about trees and bushes as well as flowers.

Wild Ones.

This is a category for those 16 years old and younger.  Choose from any of the categories above. Go out and photograph what you can find and tell us about it – we can’t wait!

Judging Criteria

We are keen for everyone to go out and explore the natural world to be found around Chiswick.  Let us know what you find, write a bit about it and why you wanted to take the particular photograph.

This is not just a photography competition.  Of equal importance is the accompanying paragraph explaining the photograph content.  People who view the photograph and read about the image, should be able to connect, enjoy and learn a bit more about the natural world to be found in Chiswick. We are looking for a story of the photograph.

The judging panel consists of wildlife and plant enthusiasts, horticulturalists, amateur photographers, community representatives and professional photographers.  Each one has the desire to view and share with you the wonderful natural world to be found around Chiswick.  There will be two judges per category who will work together to find a runner up and a winner.  The category winners will then be placed in front of a separate judge who will make the choice of overall winner.

Each photograph will be judged impartially, without bias or politics and keeping the mission of the exhibition in mind – to celebrate nature! click here to meet our judges.

Submission Rules
  • The photo competition will run from 19 June 2023 through 13th August 2023 inclusive.
  • The photograph must have been taken in Chiswick (W4) between 1st January 2023 and 13th August, 2023.
  • Entries after the deadline date will not be accepted or entered in the competition.
  • The categories for the photo competition can be found here.
  • Photos for submission must be done online here
  • Photos in jpeg format only will be accepted.  No less than 1MB and no more than 5MB in size. (3Mb to 5MB is best size for us to exhibit winners).
  • An accompanying paragraph explaining the subject matter must be with the photograph or the entry will not be accepted.  Your description of the photo is just as important as the photo itself and is part of the judging criteria, so please fill it in with more than just a name of species or subject and location. We want to hear the story of the photo and what it means to you!
  • Entrants may submit a maximum of three photographs to be judged for the competition.
  • Images submitted must be your own original work. You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of all images entered. WildChiswick does not accept any liability for the publication of unlawfully reproduced images.
  • Winners will be notified via email prior to the general public announcement in October 2023.
  • There will be weekly photos chosen to be shown online as the competition progresses until the closing date of 13th August.  – and
  • Submission of entries does not guarantee inclusion in any exhibitions of the competition entries. 
  • Winners and runners up will be included in exhibitions both electronic and in print along with the accompanying paragraphs.
  • Exhibit and Awards will take place early October on a date and venue TBC.
  • Entries will be eligible for winner and runner up in each category and overall winner. Prizes will be given to the winner and runner up for each category. In addition, there will be a prize for the best photo overall.
  • The prizes include a £150 voucher for photo framing at Snappysnaps Chiswick for the overall winner. Our thanks to Snappysnaps for donating this prize.
  • We will be judging on the theme of celebrating nature.  We will be looking for enthusiasm, the overall setting, and the capturing of an aspect of the animal or plant that appeals to you.  Please do not feel it necessary to alter or edit the image – we are looking for natural nature. A description of the judging criteria can be found on
  • Computer-generated or computer-altered images will not be accepted.
  • Digital alteration of exposure, sharpness and frame (cropping) is permitted.
  • Other forms of digital enhancement — which could not be achieved through alterations of settings on a manual camera — will not be accepted.
  • Artwork and illustrations will not be accepted, photographs only please.
  • By entering your image, you agree to grant WildChiswick and Chiswick Flower Market the non-exclusive right to publish, feature, reproduce and use it for any purpose at any time in their websites and associated media outlets including adverts, cards, calendars, press releases, social media or newsletters. The photo will be credited with the photographer’s name wherever possible; however, Wild Chiswick and Chiswick Flower Market reserves the right to use uncredited photos in small images such as those used in social media.
  • No pets please or indoor plants – wildlife and outdoor plants only.  Photos of wildlife on your balcony is acceptable.
  • No use of captive animals, dead animals made to appear alive, or plants/animals placed to create a photographic scene will be accepted. WildChiswick does not condone the loss of welfare for any animal or plant when capturing a photo for the competition. If we suspect this might have happened and cannot satisfactorily resolve this with the owner of the photograph, the image will be disqualified.